30 aprile 2006


Magnus Carlsson, Paranoid Android


"Robin is great. He is so much more then that kid who showers with the cap on. In him I see the totally innocents. Defiance his bad habits and the tuff, big city he lives in, he is soft and gentle. And what ever happens he never loses his temper. Nothing affects him. He gets bossed and makes stupid things. People convince him to swallow things and dance naked. Next morning he wakes up anyway and feels rather okay and has forgotten last night. I wish I could be like that. Just forget. Never really bother. It never works in the real world. When we record can I live like that. Just get drunk till I forget. And when I get to the real world, there is nuclear weapon, unhappy love, people who don't recycle their cans. Everything that can't leave me alone, and things that always are going to disturb me. "

Thom Yorke

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Sulla Citaz DeAndreana all'inizio, c'ho azzeccato. Radiohead e siamo a due, Capossela tre...peccato che non ci abbiam scommesso niente quando mi hai mandato l'sms ieri sera. Manca ancora qualcosa dei fratelli Coen però. Bello.
Forti le foto.

lunico ha detto...

sono tu, anonimo ligure, mi conosci così bene...e allora presto ci saranno i Coen!